Kód kurzu: 0509151
Lektor: Mgr. Sylvie Doláková
Doporučeno pro: učitele angličtiny MŠ a ZŠ
Účastnický poplatek: 900 Kč
(ages 6 – 11)
Songs are considered a very useful tool in EFL teaching. They not only provide a natural text in a meaningful context but also keep the text together, which means children can remember all the structures and vocabulary from them. There is also a psychological effect – those who sing can never frown at the same time. Songs thus contribute to a pleasant, stress-free atmosphere in classrooms, they support mutual understanding.
(ages 12 – 15)
Teenager can identify with the singers quite easily, they are keen to listening to music with the help of multimedia. However, teaching through songs has been often limited to “fill-in-the-gap“ activities only. This workshop will show how we can avoid this stereotypical mechanism and will offer a wide range of appealing actions instead.
Poznámka: Vzdělávací program je možné hradit ze Šablon OP JAK.